ACE International Business Company
ACEibc.com Since 1992

□ Extraordinary Services
▶ Post Secondary Private School and
Policy & Procedure for Licensing
▶ Health Management
Diversity of Healthcare Institutes
Facility Sales and Management
JV and M&A
▶ ACEibc Financing
Project Financing
Business Financing
Commercial Financing
▶ ACEibc Investment & Management
JV Project Partnership
International Real Estate Project
▶ ACEibc Human & Future
e-Commerce and Contents
e-Commerce Marketplace
▶ ACEibc F&B
Food and Beverage
Nationwide Chainstore
▶ ACEibc Fashion & Entertainment
Fashion and Entertainment
▶ ACEibc PetroChemical
PetroChemical and Rare Earth Material

ACEibc has an extensive backgroud on Asian business world and international financing. Close relationship with Asian business community and related government agencies is a compay strength. is a

Product Distributionship and Trading

Education and Special Event Coordination

International Loan Package Coordination

Governemnt and Military Contract Coordination
A broad range of contacts in local business and public sector allow us to obtain the latest information critaria for doing business is a key professionalship.